Friday, April 14


Soccer at Recess
 students from all three grade 5/6 classes met and worked together to identify some of the things that would make soccer games fun for all, as well as the most common issues that cause the majority of the problems; violence, mean language and unfair play.  All student have agreed to place a great deal of effort into following these guidelines and follow the various taught strategies for problem solving if something is to come up.

Bunny Art
Last week we explored elements of lines. Students used multiple mediums to recreate their Funky Bunnies. 

STEM Challenge 
Ms. Marshall planned an awesome STEM Challenge focusing on gravity. Students were tasked to create a device to help Egg Sheran (Ed Sheran's younger brother), to finally live his dream of dropping of a bridge. Students had a lot of fun with the design challenge.

Self Watering Plants

Ms. Raushan build self watering planters with our class on Friday. Students planted lavender and we can wait to observe and see what happens. 

Planet Performance 
The grade 6s gave an amazing performance about sharing their understanding on planets to the grade 5s and Room 17. 


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